
Blingo Baby!!

Have you SEEN this Blingo thing? I was over reading Sarah and the Goon Squad and she mentioned it was her bday..not to buy her anything just click on her links..cause really...how much do we actually do that for people??

SO I check out Blingo..it is NOW my Favorite..it will be my search engin..do you realize how many times I google a day...click on the little red button..it's like a slot machines chance to win stuff.


Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

It rocks too! I've already won an iPod and a ton of $5 Amazon gift certificates.

Anonymous said...

Wait! I didn't know you actually won stuff for playing. I'm going to have to play now. Thanks, like I don't have enough to keep me from going to bed at night.
Oh, and I've figured out how to comment using my wordpress site.