

OK...if you are a NON Blogger person try commenting and see if it works, there is a new thingy that they are doing...

They also have a slide show but it doesn't work.

Ms Lucky Gem said it was funky for her word press...so I just went back to ANYONE!!


Lucky Gem said...

I tried using my wordpress. Didn't work so easily. Hmmmm...

Melissa said...

I was going to write about this on my blog too. Maybe I still will.

FWIW, I'm having some trouble with posting comments. I even restarted my browser several times and then tried with a new browser. Not sure if it's me or the new "comment enhancements" but the comment form is acting weird. Kinda sluggish. -The way it might behave if there were too many programs running in the background (and there aren't any!)